
& Spiritual Abuse

Institutional abuse is abuse or neglect perpetrated by an organization or by using components of an organization. It is unique from other forms of abuse - physical, sexual, etc. - as it is classified by how the abuse is perpetrated not the specific act itself. Institutional abuse is often highlighted by secrecy, shame, and nuances. It can be quite difficult to identify and address. It also requires for numerous individuals in the organization to either be active participants in the abuse or willfully ignorant or negligent. 

Institutional abuse often manifests in any of the following areas:

  • Location

    • Abuse or neglect occurs on the premises of the institution or where the institution holds activities.

  • Responsibility

    • An individual uses their role within or connection to the institution to perpetrate abuse or neglect or cover up their actions.

  • Tenets

    • The institution’s tenet(s) – or manipulation of said tenet(s) - are used within the perpetration of the abuse.

Religious abuse is a subtype of institutional abuse and uses religious beliefs, customs, etc. in the perpetration of the abuse or cover up of said abuse. This abuse is often quite damaging to the survivors as it is connected to their spiritual beliefs, community, and many other aspects of their life. Beliefs of the community can also impact how a victim responds to their own abuse and how they want to move forward.